Get to Know Julie Deyerle!
Children’s Ministry Administrator
Julie will be partnering with Trish Krall, our Children’s Ministry Director, by providing administrative leadership and support for our Children’s Ministry.
Tell us a bit about yourself!
I've lived on the peninsula since I was ten years old. I'm married with three grown kids, One grandchild, and a dog.
What inspired you to join the team at Wellspring?
Seeing God at work here through the people involved in leadership and all the sweet families that show up even though I know that's not always easy.
Most of our team is bi-vocational, what else are you up to these days?
I help in my family's business, keep my house, and walk my dog.
What was your first experience with ministry like?
All my ministry experiences have been incredibly faith building. God is good.
What are some things you are excited to do in your position here?
I'm excited to help Trish, support our families, and see how we all will grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus.
What fills your cup outside of work, school, and church?
I love quiet things like being home, Bible study, walking at the beach or in the forest with my dog, listening to podcasts, and the not always quiet times I get with my family.