The Advent & Lent Projects

  • Devotionals that bring the arts in all their forms together with the Word of God into a meaningful way.

Open Network - Advent

  • 4-week lessons about why the world needed a Savior and how we should respond to His birth, life, death, and resurrection. Uses the Bible Project "Advent" videos as resources.

Honest Advent: Awakening to the Wonder of God-with-Us Then, Here, and Now
By: Scott Erickson

  • Containes 25 advent readings. Sermon Outlines & Discussion Questions available for free download.

Advent Activities

Shadow and Light: A Journey into Advent By: Tsh Oxenreider

  • Explores the historical meaning of Advent by drawing from liturgical tradition. Each day includes Scripture, a reflection, a question, and a simple activity (such as lighting candles, listening to music, and viewing artwork both old and new).

TruIdentity - Advent

  • Five-week mini series that includes a focus on the four virtues: hope, peace, joy, and love. BONUS: The Twelve Days of Christmas Family Guide and Resources

Advent Conspiracy: Making Christmas Meaningful Again

  • Explores how we can substitute consumption with compassion during the Christmas season.

Advent: The Season of Hope

  • Explores all three of Christ's “comings” and invites us into a deeper experience of the first season of the Christian year.

Advent: Word Studies (videos by Bible Project)

  • Four word study videos, focused on key biblical words for each week of advent (hope, peace, joy, love)

Little Way Chapel

Faithful Families Booklet

Parent Cue - Experience Box

  • Can be purchased in bulk at discounted prices; on its own = $40


Creating Space for Sabbath: Finding Rest as a Family


Get to Know Julie Deyerle!